Turnhalle in Sarn

On our Sunday hike, we passed by the place where Anton and Lukas have their weekly sports lessons. It’s in the village of Sarn, half way between Tartar and Präz, where Anton goes to school. The sports house (Turnhalle) has even bars, rings and mats and everything for gymnastics. Both boys enjoy it. Today Anton could explain the activities as we passed the building (brown wooden structure).


In the background is the village of Flerden, where Anton and Lukas’ great grandmom (Urnana) had grown up. Pix Beverin in the background is 2998m tall.



  1. Danny Heggemeier

    tell those sweet little boys that their grandpa Danny misses them!! We should Skype again sometime!

  2. Danny – yes, we should definitely Skype; Sunday mornings (U.S. time zones) are best for us, and we have Skype usually running, so you can call anytime.

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