Thai script

So I decided to learn Thai script. The book was namely titled Learn to read Thai in 10 days, spending 1 hour daily. Well, it took me more like 15 days and the reading speed is about three words per minute, but it did open up the world for me to learn the Thai language a bit. The book was definitely well written and who knew a script could be so complex. Knowing how to write and read really helps with speaking and memorizing words and phrases become much easier. In Thai there are long and short vowels as well as five tones.  The tones are not randomly distributed and from knowing the word ending you can almost guess the tone, that alone saves you much brain memory space. Thai script then only marks “irregular” tones.  Now, that I can practice the language I only realized I should have learned Burmese instead. After a few times asking what is this or that in Thai with dumbfounded looks, I slowly realized that most workers in the tourist area are from Myanmar and know English instead. I guess service and hotel work is tough every in the world. Still, what a difference if you know just a little bit of Thai. 

Relaxing and reviewing Thai language

Going on this trip, I wanted to drop three addictions of mine: chocolate, coffee, and internet. Well, it seems I can easily live without chocolate. Coffee, I lasted one week, until the breakfast menu buffet included coffee, and internet, I haven’t gotten off of it. I tried not to read emails, lasted about three days, tried not to read news, lasted about four days. Meanwhile, I depend on the internet to find places to stay, plan our morning family walks, find where I am, and just information. So, internet addiction, I’d say is the toughest to stop. 

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