
  1. Danny Heggemeier

    Happy Birthday to my sweet Lukas!!!!!!! I couldn’t mail him a card or present 🙁 But tell him Grandpa Danny will bring him something special when I see him later this year! Lots of Hugs and Kisses!!!!!!

  2. Danny, thank you; I told Lukas; I have to post some pictures. I took them with the real camera (not phone), so I need to upload them still. He got a motorbike helmet and was super happy about that. Now he has a helmet to go with his khẩu trăng (mouth cover) and the motorbike (toy bicycle). He goes everywhere with that. Enjoy your trip!

  3. Happy Birthday, Lukas

    1. Karen, Danny, I finally got around and posted his birthday pictures.

      Lukas is now a big boy. He is very joyful, likes to run around like crazy and is very strong.

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