
The kids build their first snowman of the season.

Anton, Lukas, and Armando build a snowman
Anton, Lukas, and Armando build a snowman

I came home from ETH at night; when I caught the 11:30pm bus in Rhazuns, the driver had to alter the bus route due to fallen trees on the road. The drive was quite magical, with the pine trees ladden with snow arching heavily over the road, the snow still falling strongly, electricity out, and lightening striking the night sky in a greenish color. The roads covered with plenty of snow as the plows hadn’t made it out yet. Neni picked me up in Thusis at midnight, and we saw a car stuck on the road, because it had only 2-wheel drive. While we had still summer tires, we could advance on the road thanks to 4-wheel drive. However, at the very end, the car started sliding, and there was nothing we could do. So all of a sudden, the car veered and rotated, sliding side-ways down the road. We came to a standstill, on the road, fortunately. We could dig ourselves out, and made it home, no electricity, though.



Liz getting vegetables from the garden:



  1. Quynh Gredig

    It was more like I was digging the vegetables out from under the snow.

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