Ski week

Anton’s first day at ski school today. Instead of kindergarten, all the kids go to ski school for the week. He was great! He’s the one in the blue helmet in case you can’t tell the difference between him and the other children:)

Update: on the second day, Anton is on the kids ski lift, but has never used it before (it’s his second day after all), so the teacher assigns 6-year old Joshua to help and assist. The two take off – my camera phone’s battery just drained to 1% due to low temperatures probably as I am watching at the bottom of the lift – and half way up on the lift, one of Anton’s ski veers off, he goes down but hangs on to Joshua, the two veer left and right, scraping piles of snow as the lift pulls, somehow they make it to the top. Then the 6-year old instructs Anton how to ski downhill – we can only see them look at each other – as they try to wade through the snow to get in downhill position, Anton falls in the deep snow (about 20 cm fresh snow, still snowing), they try to get up, get about 1m ahead and fall again. Joshua then nicely carves downhill going around all the cones in slalom, while Anton pretty much goes straight until the next fall. Somehow he makes it down the hill. At the bottom, the instructor says Anton will still need to practice turns.



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