Safien – Home Town

Today, we decided to visit the home town of Lukas and Anton. The home town has a similar significance in Switzerland as the birth place in the United States. The weather on this early November day was not ideal, nevertheless, we were able to capture some beautiful moments.

Safien is a very long village with few inhabitants, settlers arrived in the 14th century and lived mostly self-sufficiently. Here is the entrance sign to the village:

Sign at village entrance to Safien
Sign at village entrance to Safien

The valley is embedded in mountains. This is the Bruschghorn:


The Heimatmuseum was built 300 years ago and demonstrates how people built houses in this area. Many items from decades and centuries ago are on show there. Thomas could not stand upright, as the ceiling was intentionally built low to preserve the heat better.


Here is the typical kitchen:


Each settlement has a church at its center. Here is the church of Thalkirch.

Church in Thalkirch
Church in Thalkirch



  1. Did not know Anton and Lukas were born in Switzerland.

  2. Quynh Gredig

    Amazing how they can be at two places at the same time:) they both have Swiss passports and have to declare their “hometown” which is more of where their roots are. They require this info on all the documents. They used Thomas hometown of Safien.

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