Quick learners

We forgot our cameras today so don’t have any pictures to show but we took the boys this morning to practice skiing. Anton with basically 6-8 hours from ski school this past week did beautifully! By the end of the morning he was going down a steep hill (really fast) by himself. He was curving and stopping like a pro!

Lukas’ first time skiing was today. He was so excited and eager to learn. Being so motivated, fearless and top off with help from his big brother, he was skiing down the kiddies slope. ON HIS FIRST DAY! He could get off the conveyor belt by himself and ski down towards papa. We saw a bunch of kids his age who could only stand on their skis or who just cried. Lukas didn’t want to go home.

They amaze me and inspire me!


  1. Danny Heggemeier

    they learned skiing MUCH faster than Grandpa Danny did! 🙂

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