
Enjoyed our outing in Thusis. Lukas loves taking the bus.

Driving the cement truck in front of the grocery store.

Mama took him to the toy store to “look around” but we found something he wanted for a long time. Aside from being a fireman, Lukas loves being a construction man!

Lukas wasn’t too eager to share his new stuff with Anton until I reminded him that Anton may not share his gummy bears if he doesn’t change his mind. That did the trick!


Lukas loves his new things so much, he took it to bed for his nap. And didn’t ask for his pacifier!!


  1. Andreas & Ximena

    Cool the two boys!! 🙂

  2. He may have shared but he does not look happy about it.

    1. Quynh Gredig

      That’s his “some days I wish I was an only child” look.

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