January Fruits

This January, we have been eating lots of lime. Even after we collected a bucket full, there are still more. Also, there were quite a few avocados, these were really tasty after they had been placed in a paper bag. Indeed without the paper bag, they got dry and didn’t taste nearly as well. Finally, we got the first strawberries coming along.

At the same time, there is a lot of spinach growing. Also, we had a lot of mandarins, and a few tangerines. The tangerines are tastier, sweeter and easier to peel as compared to the mandarins, We had about a good dozen of tangerines and a few dozen mandarins. The tangerines were ripe earlier, mid-December, while the mandarins were not ripe until mid-January.

This year the loquats are coming late, not until mid-February for the first fruits.  The grapefruits are few, but big and not ripe yet. Today, the first blossom on the apricot tree was spotted.LimesStrawberries - Feb 12


  1. Connie

    My avocados are ready to be harvested thanks for telling me about putting them in paper bags.

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