Homesick Lukas

We’ve been struggling with Lukas here. He is homesick and is having problems sleeping. He whines all day, cries, and is unhappy most of the time when he’s home. He’s totally fine at the school or so the teachers tell us. He eats, follows along, sleeps, etc with all the kids. But at home, he keeps asking us to take the airplane home to Switzerland. I think 6 months at home with family 24/7 has undone the independence he learned in Huntington Beach.

We are not used to living in an apartment or so close to neighbors so we are hyper sensitive about the noise level. We usually let the kids cry it out and even though it may take a few damaged eardrums, they get back into a routine pretty fast. Since we can’t do that, we’ve been trying other things. We even (gasp) gave his pacifier back to him after he weaned himself off of it. We were desperate! On the other hand, he started getting homesick right about the same time. Needless to say, everyone is missing out on their beauty sleep. I dare not ask the neighbors:)

Anton has been doing really well. He is a great listener and adjusted to the school well–even though he doesn’t understand or speak Vietnamese. He is an awesome brother and has been extra patient with Lukas.

Today has been a good day though so I hope it will continue to get better. Lukas skipped his nap and after a bath and dinner, he went straight to bed-his own bed and without us asking or helping him. I hope he sleeps through the night. Poor baby.


  1. Oh Lukas, I feel so bad for you. I am happy you like playing with your friends at school. Soon you will come back and play with Charlie and Anika. Hi Anton, it sounds like you are having a great adventure!

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