A Swiss house

This is Thomas’ parents’ home.



View of Valleina village

Unlike Californian homes that are made out of thin pieces of “wood” Swiss homes are made out of real wood and concrete. I remember going to the attic in our Huntington Beach house and saw the thin paper that made up our wall. I’m always afraid here that the kids will bang their heads against the cement walls during the night. Ouch!

Windows: I love the windows here. They open two different ways.



Keys are different.

House key

Room key

Bomb shelter: Every house has a bomb shelter. Here’s the door to the shelter. People put their extra food and supplies in there.


Basement has perfect cool temperature for storing food such as onions, garlic, jam, etc. And the freezer because the kitchen freezer is the size of a toaster. Notice the gravel floor. This is different from the bomb shelter.


Kitchen: can you find the fridge? It’s the size of a mini bar fridge.


Dining table is a “picnic bench” style.



  1. Paulette

    And the view!! Oh that view…. I could stare out the window or days…..

  2. Quynh Gredig

    Come for a visit and you can look out the window all day long.

  3. P&V: we sometimes watch the train roll by down in the valley. It’s the red RhB train.

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