A Balanced Life

Our neighbor downstairs went to Greece for 5 months just to study the language. (thank goodness because the kids have been thumping on the ground, throwing stuff down, jumping and making a big ruckus! She sure timed her vacation well.) When I spoke to her, I asked her how it affects her job. She’s a nurse. She said her employees just deal with it. It’s more like the workers tell their employers when they will be off. This mentality of taking quality time for yourself or for your family is a part of normal life here.

I’ve run into quite a few Americans who have never taken longer than 2 weeks vacation at once. When I do meet people who are going for a 2 week vacation they seem to apologize for wanting to be away so long. One lady said it was her first time taking 2 weeks off and she was in her 50’s.

Thomas’ aunt told us her work place requires that she takes off at least two weeks in a row (this is in addition to all the other holidays). Their philosophy: you don’t get to really rest if you take days off here and there. You need to have at least two weeks away.

The Swiss are very religious or at least when it comes to their holidays. During Christmas, everything is closed down for a week. EVERYTHING. People get off for Easter (almost a week), Pentecost, etc. One of Thomas’ aunt worked at a Catholic place and got Aug 15th off (The Assumption of Mary). But it’s not that they get religious holidays off but that they take the time off. We get what, all of Dec 25th off to celebrate? Ok, so we have labor day and memorial day and… You know how relaxing that ONE day is, BBQing with the family:) The months of March- May would always might me sigh with fatigue because there are no holidays from Lincoln’s birthday until Memorial day.

On Saturdays, we always have to do a grocery check to make sure we have enough basics because all the grocery stores are closed on Sundays. Everything is closed ie, drug stores, department stores, etc. Only stores at the airport, big train stations, and gas stations can be opened. Everything must be closed by 5 pm on Saturday.

During the week, most work places close down for lunch. Workers and school children go home to have lunch and then return to where ever they need to be. It took us a long time to get out of the house one day and when we got in the car, we realized it was 11:15! Will we make it before the stores close?

Thomas’ cousin just had a baby. His wife gets 14 weeks paid (80% of her income). When I was pregnant I worked as much and as long as I could so I could save my vacation hours for maternity leave. Even with that I think I got 4-5 ish weeks paid. If I didn’t do this, my employer would have paid me $200 a week for 6 weeks (normal birth) or 8 weeks (surgery). And that’s BEFORE taxes! And some places give you $0! Another friend said the government paid for a helper to go to his house and do things like laundry when his wife had their baby. Nice!

One of our reasons for taking this sabbatical was just to be more balanced, spend real time as a family, and get to know our Swiss family.My most important reason has been for the boys to put roots down here with their Swiss family. Thomas’ mom was the glue that kept us connected and with her gone we have to be more proactive.

Many of you have been so supportive and positive and I really thank you for that. There are times when I think we are crazy! It’s a lot of work and risk for us — quitting my job, packing and moving the kids away from what they know, moving across the world twice! Vietnam I think will be more of a challenge for me. But one day at a time. And let’s live in the moment.


  1. Paulette

    This is my favorite post. It is a reminder of how we tend to be “too busy” for the truly important things in life: family and taking care of ourselves, our spirits. You just keep reminding yourself why you are doing this sabbatical. You inspire us to reflect on our own lives and rethink our own priorities. Keep blogging! Miss you!

  2. Debbie

    Not crazy at all! Enjoy this wonderful opportunity…every moment! Thank you for sharing! I love it!!!!

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