
Doing laundry here is as fun and exciting as it was in the US. (hope you can hear the sarcasm.) It’s definitely more convenient with the nice big dryer that leaves your clothes warm and soft in the States. But like other lazy people, I often use my dryer as a storage place.

Here, it is more time consuming because we (like most Swiss) don’t have a dryer. So hang ’em up! And instead of warm and soft, it’s cold and stiff. No need for starch. If its dried in the sun, you don’t even need to iron it. (what’s an iron?)

Actually, I guess it takes about the same amount of time but it differs in that in the US, we have more clothes and we wash way too often so we have more to do at one time.

“What?! Use a bath towel twice? Wash it!”

“Wear the same sweater twice in the same week? Your coworkers will notice and laugh at you!”

Fortunately and unfortunately, we have much fewer articles of clothing here. And since we don’t have to work in an office we can (gasp) get away with wearing the same outfit twice. Also, our washing machine is tiny here (it can hold about what you can stuff in a book bag) and the space to hang clothes is limited. So we can’t do many loads or big loads here.

Oh.. And those socks! They walk themselves missing no matter where you do laundry!

Lukas showing me how to work the washer. His head is almost as big as the opening. In the states, I was always worried he would crawl into the washer or dryer because he could fit inside. I don’t think he’ll fit inside this one!


Just enough space for a load of laundry. If you want to do a second load you either have to find more space or wait until this load dries. On sunny days, we have clothes line outside or we can just bring the portable clothes line inside. This space is for the down stairs neighbor but she’s gone on vacation so I used her space because it’s suppose to rain all week. And yes, I use this dryer space as storage space too (lazy!).


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