First day of kindergarten

Anton’s first day of kindergarten was today. I was the most anxious of the family because Anton’s supposed to take a bus by himself for about 10-15 minutes through three villages to get to school. The OC inside me kept having crazy ideas what would happen on the bus. Anyway, the whole family took him for his first day. He was up first and jumped into our bed ready to start the day. He ate breakfast without much prompting, dressed himself and was totally ready to go to school.

There were about 5-6 other kindergarteners who came on the bus. Luckily we followed them to the school because the building we thought was a school wasn’t it. We met the teacher, Gabbi Bühler, who was very nice. Thomas got to talk to some of the other moms while I tried out my broken Swiss German with other moms. Anton did wonderfully. He understood everything, followed along with the class, and was completely at ease.

Thomas, Lukas, and I left Anton to his class. I was more comfortable with Anton riding the bus alone after talking to Gabby. She puts the kids on the bus and the bus mostly had children and old people and the driver watches out for the children. Fortunately it’s Swiss villages and not the OC.

Anton’s only disappointment of the day: that I met him at the bus stop. He wanted to get off the bus and walk home all my himself. (there’s a busy street so I didn’t want him crossing alone). What a brave boy! I’m so proud of him.

On our way to the bus stop (little hut on the bottom right)


View from the bus




Waiting for Anton’s bus


Anton getting off the bus




  1. Amanda Eames

    What an adventure for everyone! Good to see your smilig faces in pictures and read your updates. Keep them coming!

  2. Danny Heggemeier

    so sweet! I almost cried just reading and looking at the pics!

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